This dress is made of a 100% washable, soft Cotton fabric that is a white and pink stripes with white peter-pan collar and sleeve cuffs. It has a sheer apron that goes over the dress. It is made of a bright white fabric with large ties in back and pretty lace on hem, straps and bodice. It fastens together in the back with hand sewn snaps. It also comes with matching striped undies.
And that is not all!! As an added bonus we've added a pair of white socks with cute little pink bows.
This Darling Outfit was made in the style of Chatty's original Pink Peppermint Dress.
We make this dress in a variety of different fabrics. Please e-mail us with your preference.
NOTE - colors in these outfits are wonderful - our camera does not do them justice!
Price for this outfit is $32.99. Buyer to pay shipping/handling cost of 99 cents for USPS 1st Class.**PLEASE NOTE: We also make this outfit in a wonderful tiny yellow gingham fabric as well as a tiny blue gingham fabric. Both look so sweet! E-mail us at the link below with your specific request!
To PLACE AN ORDER or for further information, please e-mail us:
For Payment Options, click here: Payment Terms and Shipping Information
Here are the other
outfits for Chatty (dresses, pajamas, slips, undies, sox & more produced by My Mother’s Hands mostly from Vintage Chatty Patterns)
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Images & text are copyright 1995, 1996,
1997, 1998, 1999, 2000.